Client Stories

Dr. Jesse Ritter

Dr. Jesse Ritter


My Passion Wasn’t Translating Into Growth

Prior to working with Dr. Bennett, I had owned my solo practice for about 10 years. I had taken a ton of CE. I completed the entire Dawson Academy curriculum and was an active member of the AACD. Yet, in all that time, my practice had not grown at all. It’s painful to say, but if I’m being honest, it was down 25% from where it started ten years prior.

My biggest struggle when I met Dr. Bennett was cash flow. This inconsistent cash flow was a result of inconsistent large $10K+ case acceptance. No matter what I did or how much I prepared for consults, patients kept saying “no”.

I’d have a $50K month then a $100K month followed by a $70K month and a $65K month. It was incredibly frustrating. None of my skills, passion and desire to help people were moving the needle.

How Dr. Bennett Single-Handedly Transformed My Practice

Working with Dr. Bennett changed my life. He kept things simple. He is incredible at listening to what you need and providing a simple solution to your problem. He followed a system and taught me the “why” behind the system and the “how” to implement it in my specific practice factoring in my specific strengths and weaknesses.

Three months into our coaching journey I started to hear more “yeses” from my patients. As I implemented Dr. Bennett’s systems and continued to refine my communication skills with patients, my confidence grew. As my confidence grew, more patients started saying “yes”.

Shortly after working with Dr. Bennett I bought another practice nearby and merged it into mine. Early on in our journey together, he suggested I go visit a few practices for sale to “get some perspective” on what I’ve got going on at my office and see what I could learn, and encouraged me to pursue “growth through acquisition” when the right opportunity presented itself.

Those office visits were the seed that sprouted shortly after we finished coaching. I knew, after putting in the work with Dr. Bennett, that I could help a new patient population immensely.

Now I Have the Practice I’ve Always Dreamed Of

A little over a year now after working with Dr. Bennett, I have over 25 patients in Clear Aligners that are set ups for cosmetic or full arch dentistry, and I have completed numerous full arch cases. My cash flow is through the roof. I work 3 days a week clinically and a 4th day is reserved for consultations only. My practice is on pace in 2023 to do double of what it did in 2021!

My stress and worries over whether I need to use my line of credit to make payroll are completely gone. I have been able to implement bonus systems in my office to share in our incredible profitability and have begun to plan an office redesign. None of these things seemed fathomable to me on my previous “case acceptance roller coaster”.

Dr. Bennett’s wisdom and guidance changed the financial trajectory of my practice and family, improved my clinical abilities and allowed me to impact more patient’s lives. The cherry on top of it all is that I immensely enjoyed my time working with Dr. Bennett and feel I have gained a lifelong friend.

From the bottom of our hearts, myself, my team, my patients and my children (Ryan, Zara and Elon) are so thankful for Dr. Bennett and the impact he has had on our lives.

Dr. Andrew Bartish

Dr. Andrew Bartish

Dentistry Has Always Resonated With My Passion and Skills

I was born and raised in Cincinnati, just a couple of miles from where I currently practice dentistry. My practice is located in the more “blue collar” side of town. It’s a family driven area with people who have lived here for generations.

I purchased this practice from a doctor who was in the same location for almost 40 years, and I have to admit that it was a challenge to earn the trust of the patients.

I went into dentistry mainly because my Dad was a general surgeon (physician) and I saw that I didn’t want to work like that. He also encouraged me to explore a different path than he did because I think he recognized that doctors have lost control of medicine.

It was important to me to have autonomy and balance in my life, while still being able to help people with their healthcare. I felt like dentistry was an excellent marriage of the things I was looking for in a life as opposed to looking for a job.

My Practice and Lifestyle Were Missing the Mark

I think for a time I was experiencing the same struggles that most dentists can relate to. Burnout. Feeling like you’re on a merry-go-round. The sense that patients don’t really value what you do. Questioning if you’re really making an impact. From one time to another I think every dentist gets to that point and they start looking around for better options.

At the point where I started looking around for “other ways of doing it”, my goal was more to feel more fulfilled in my profession as opposed to looking for a way to make more money or get my practice together.

I knew we had a lot of mouths that needed full mouth comprehensive care, but I also knew that I wasn’t strong enough in my process to predictably treat them. I had this feeling that I wasn’t truly serving my patient population as the type of healthcare provider that I would want to be.

How I Found David

Funny enough, I don’t know that I was really looking to hire anyone when I began to work with David, it was just something that happened organically. He had thrown out an offer on a webinar that if “you have any questions about a case, here’s my cell number and I’m happy to talk it through.”

Well, I simply took him up on his offer and we had a great few chats…first about this specific case and then about practice, life, philosophy, everything. It became clear that working with David was going to move my life in the right direction. I remember telling him on our first call that I didn’t care if I made any more money by working together. All I wanted to do was “know what you know.”

In my career as an associate and as an owner, I’ve always found it valuable to have great mentors. David was someone I immediately knew was invested in my success and was going to be there for me for the long haul. (It’s proven to be 100% true). He’s different in that he’s truly invested in your success as a person, more so than just a clinician or business person.

The Results Were Remarkable

I knew this process was “working” when I did more full arches in one quarter than I had done in my previous years of practice. The real exciting part was taking the case that I originally called David about and completing it successfully. There’s no better feeling than that accomplishment of seeing something you were totally lost on, and overcoming it to deliver a life-changing outcome.

More importantly, there is now a patient who spent the previous 5 years destroying everything in his mouth… and for the last 3-4 years, he’s had zero problems. That’s actually healing someone, and that’s why we do this.

The most remarkable thing about working with David is watching the shift in practice philosophy from a numbers perspective and a culture perspective. Numbers don’t lie and even though we didn’t set out to be financially successful, we achieved this as a byproduct of striving for excellence.

What’s been more fun is watching the rest of the team buy in on this philosophy as something that truly provides value. There is no more hand-wringing about the investments patients are asked to make on these cases. The team knows the value of what we are providing and are proud to deliver this type of dental care to our patients.

Since implementing the REM system and through working with David we really were able to shift into a truly lifestyle practice. I can work 7 hours a day, be done by 3 PM and get home to spend time with my young family. We haven’t had to sacrifice anything in terms of our profitability either. I now get referrals back from specialists in the area to treat their patients which has been one of the coolest things.

Our Return on Investment Was Instantaneous

Of course when most people hire a coach like David, they want to see what their ROI is going to be. In the first year after working with David, we increased our collections by $200,000 while working 1-2 days fewer per month.

As of writing this, the practice is already half a million dollars ahead of schedule through six months. This is a powerful return on your time and investment, which will only multiply through the years. There is no greater return on investment than investing in yourself.
I’ve already recommended David to a number of my colleagues that were already successful in their own right. He’s proven to be more than I even expected of him.
As a clinician and dental philosopher, he’s every bit the real deal. As a human being, he’s become a great friend and a mentor who I still lean on. Working with David has certainly been one of the defining decisions of my career and for all of the right reasons.

Dr. Lee Brown

Dr. Lee Brown


My Goals for My Practice Were Clear

I practice in a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio and have been at our practice for over a decade. My father was a dentist and has been a great mentor throughout my career.

While we are a general dentistry practice, we have made it our mission to provide care that focuses on comprehensive total health.

We have two doctors in our practice (soon to be three) and we each have our own passion. Mine has always been Total Health and Cosmetics, which has led to me finding and working with Dr. Bennett.

My Lack of Confidence and Communication Got in the Way

I was doing way too much single-tooth, non-comprehensive dentistry. The patient was driving the outcome instead of me being the leader and guide to helping them be truly healthier.

The challenge was in my communication with the patient and the confidence to consistently deliver life-changing reconstructive dentistry.

I needed a system that I believed in, that was repeatable and lasted for decades. This includes the clinical part, but just as importantly I needed the system to help the patients make the commitment emotionally and financially.

Dr. Bennett Was the Missing Link

Dr. Bennett lives and breathes the challenges we all face in dentistry. His advice is not theoretical. He has created this approach in the trenches and it works! And what is so powerful is he continues to exist in this space which allows him to continue improving the outcomes for me and all of his clients.

David has absolutely changed the way we see dentistry, the discussions we have with patients, and the number of patients we are able to help.

He did not begin with clinical talk. We began with mindset and goals. If these areas are not developed and defined, then your success may be stalled.

He helped remove the limiting mindset that years in dentistry had created. With the newfound confidence, it improved my outlook on my goals inside and outside of the practice.

David wants to make sure the practice doesn’t control your life. It is a vehicle for you to live your dream! And he demonstrates those same values in his own life and practice.

My Practice Is Now More Successful Than Ever

My ortho cases doubled, which was an unintended benefit that began immediately. Less than halfway through the first year we had 3 full arches (14 teeth) committed to and paid in full.

It was incredible to see how quickly we could see the results and having Dr. Bennett as my guide increased my confidence immediately! The fact that we could do this together and help patients so quickly was very exciting.

We are now working to cut back an extra clinical day each week. We will be able to do this without taking a step back financially. In fact, I believe this will help our practice explode!

Personally, it will give me more time with my family and less physical stress on my body. I am eternally grateful for both.

The investment paid for itself faster than I anticipated. Because we began helping more patients commit to their health in so many ways, I saw an immediate ROI. Our collections improved by a much greater amount than I invested with David.

So it was worth it right away, and now I get to see the benefits in perpetuity!

You Can See the Same Results in Your Practice

If your goal is to provide the highest quality care for your patients, then I know David will help you reach your goal. It worked for us immediately and I have watched it work for others.

His system works in different demographics, for different doctors, and for different individual goals. And he will give you everything he has to make sure the value you receive is greater than the investment you make with him.

The biggest mistake you could make is looking back in a few years and regretting not moving towards your dreams faster. Go for it and thank me later!

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